11/05/2016 – Private Crime Team has secured another victory over the Crown Prosecution Service for one of its clients

From a potential driving ban and prison sentence, to a small fine and penalty points, the Private Crime Team has secured another victory over the Crown Prosecution Service for one of its clients.

In the case of R v C at the Bromley Magistrates Court, the defendant faced a number of serious driving offences, following a road traffic collision where a vehicle was found overturned and abandoned in a residential street in the early hours. The aggravating features were such that an immediate disqualification was seen as inevitable and a custodial sentence a distinct possibility. All of this would of course have been devastating to the defendant’s career and family.

Through their skill and tactical thinking, combined with thorough preparation, and armed with all of the relevant sentencing authorities, full instructions and character references, the Private Crime Team at CWD were able to water down the lesser prepared prosecutor’s case against the defendant, with the result that the prosecutor agreed to omit various aggravating sections of evidence. Following pleas of guilty by the defendant, the prosecution opened the case to the Court in such favourable terms, that the defendant received a small fine and his licence was endorsed with penalty points. Both his liberty and driving licence remain intact.

Following the hearing, the defendant sent the following email to the Private Crime Team:

“Hi Steve/Paul.
I just wanted to send you quick note to thank you both for everything you done for me. I really appreciate everything; you have both been fantastic. I couldn’t have asked for more and I am over the moon with the outcome. If there is anything I can ever do for you guys please let me know, I’d love to return the gesture. Thanks again guys, I’m a very happy man.”